Our vision is to create a thriving social enterprise sector that significantly contributes to a more inclusive and equitable Australia.
Our mission is to work collaboratively to deeply integrate social enterprises into business and government supply chains.
Our community grows everyday, and currently includes 600+ certified social enterprises and 150+ business and government members.
Social Traders has a vision. By 2030, we plan to unlock more than $5b in demand for social enterprises, enabling social enterprises to create over 44,000 jobs, deliver 6 million training hours, and deliver community services and donations of $128m. You can support us by making a donation.
Social Traders Ltd (ABN 42 132 665 804) is endorsed as a recipient for deductible gifts (DGR) covered by item 1 section 30-15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 and is registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission. Donations over $2 are tax deductible.
Social enterprises are businesses like any other, but they exist specifically to make the world a better place. That could be creating jobs for the most marginalised, providing services or protecting the environment.
Social enterprises operate in all industry sectors of the economy, from facilities management, to catering and hospitality, to business administration to design.