I am a constant student of human behaviour and how we can enable environments that support change. For 15 years I have worked in and supported businesses to do better – driving change and helping them to leave a positive legacy. I have experience at the intersection of the public, private and purpose driven sectors, building great relationships and delivering positive outcomes.
I have supported Social Enterprise, SME, and Indigenous Businesses towards economic growth and sustainability through billions dollar construction projects. I have also coached start-up social enterprises on business model viability.
At Social Traders, I lead the team in delivering our services to business, government and certified social enterprise members. We support connections between our members through the journey of social procurement. This includes setting the scene for change, delivering engagement and training sessions, progressing members in their maturity and facilitating sustainable outcomes.
Essentially, we enable the environment to drive more social enterprise procurement outcomes.
I have a Bachelor of Arts from The University of Queensland, specialising in International Relations and History, completed French Immersion at University of Saint Anne in Nova Scotia, and currently sit on the Social Innovation Engagement Committee for Central Queensland University.